What Am I Working On?



Finally taking a look at adding more features to this site. In particular, I want to add support for putting images in these blog entries (right now, I can only add cover images to the larger items).

The way I want to do that is by adding an image library feature where I can tag the images (since everything else in this data model is tagged) and use some combination of "date added", "image title text", and "tag" search to find images from the libraries to include in the blog entries.

At that point, it doesn't make sense for the cover images to be separate so I want to migrate them into the image library.

It is not at all obvious how to slot this in to the current codebase. Some of that is just because I didn't design it with foresight, but a lot of it is just that I don't really know how to lay out and design code in F#.

To some extent, doing this in F# was a vanity project. It lets me put F# in my resume and on GitHub. But it's also a learning project: I've never written anything big in F# and I don't have any mentors but I'd like to know it better.

What I am discovering is that I know a lot about what not to do but I'm not sure I've zeroed in on better patterns and practices.

So I need to weigh the vanity-aspects of F# vs having my GitHub full of (frankly) middling-quality code vs being able to execute faster if I wrote it in a technology that I'm more of an expert in.

Just as an exercise, I might re-do the frontend in C# and leave the backend in F# for now. If nothing else, it'll give me an opportunity to learn Razer which I've never actually used.



Finally taking a look at adding more features to this site. In particular, I want to add support for putting images in these blog entries (right now, I can only add cover images to the larger items).

The way I want to do that is by adding an image library feature where I can tag the images (since everything else in this data model is tagged) and use some combination of "date added", "image title text", and "tag" search to find images from the libraries to include in the blog entries.

At that point, it doesn't make sense for the cover images to be separate so I want to migrate them into the image library.

It is not at all obvious how to slot this in to the current codebase. Some of that is just because I didn't design it with foresight, but a lot of it is just that I don't really know how to lay out and design code in F#.

To some extent, doing this in F# was a vanity project. It lets me put F# in my resume and on GitHub. But it's also a learning project: I've never written anything big in F# and I don't have any mentors but I'd like to know it better.

What I am discovering is that I know a lot about what not to do but I'm not sure I've zeroed in on better patterns and practices.

So I need to weigh the vanity-aspects of F# vs having my GitHub full of (frankly) middling-quality code vs being able to execute faster if I wrote it in a technology that I'm more of an expert in.

Just as an exercise, I might re-do the frontend in C# and leave the backend in F# for now. If nothing else, it'll give me an opportunity to learn Razer which I've never actually used.