James Williams

James is a standard issue nerd, practically to a fault.
He was learning BASIC while his peers were learning to throw and catch.
He enjoys walking around a well-lit 3D-rendered landscape but would prefer to stay indoors.
He won't dance (don't ask him) but he will /dance
and /manderville
all night long.
If you're interested in an in-depth analysis between the command techniques of various Starfleet captains, you are going to have a great
time with James at parties (this is a lie: James doesn't go to parties).
Professionally, James is a seasoned developer with nearly two decades of experience. He enjoys all sorts of different programming languages, platforms, and programming methodologies. His own personal style is a spicy mix of functional and object-oriented: he even nearly understands monads!
When he's not working, he's probably poking at his personal programming projects. Beyond that: you might find him playing a turn-based RPG (or watching a Let's Play of a more action-oriented RPG), editing pictures in Photoshop, reading a novel with a spaceship on the cover, and always always always drinking far more tea than can possibly be wise.
(The lemur's name is Gary.)