The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
My last update for this game started with "It's somehow been a couple of months since I've picked this back up."
It's somehow been a couple of months since I've picked this back up. Again.
After finishing Final Fantasy 16, I felt the need to get back to a "real" JRPG. And decided that this would be a good one.
There was some weird save-file confusion (I'm not sure if it was my fault or Steam cloud save's) so I ended up playing some of the same stuff again.
And, since I'm clearly going to have months between sessions, I've decided to use a guide so I have a chance of knowing where to go the next time I play.
Between replaying some of the same stuff and having a guide, I feel like I have a much better understanding of how to play this thing.
I've managed to actually finish the prologue (only took 5 months) so I'm excited for the game-proper to start. Although I will miss the free restore point. I guess I'll need to start saving up my mira for inns.