The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
This game is such a delight. For almost every other line of dialog, I want to share it with someone because it's so funny or cute or charming.
I'm almost tempted to stream it just so I can point at it and say "This! This right here!".
But then...
Recently, I noted that the game can be randomly horny, just a for a moment. And that's all fine enough, I guess.
But today, I met Olivier. And on top of being randomly horny, the game briefly became randomly homophobic.
And that is not okay. It'd be one thing if the response to Olivier's hitting on Joshua were "He's only 16! You're 25!" That's perfectly reasonable and it is gross and it is really not okay.
But "Eww. You're a boy! You pervert!" is just wrong on so many many levels.
It was brief and I expect it to remain brief; but I also expect it to be fairly continuous from now on. Based on everything else I've seen so far, it seems likely that they're going to keep hammering this as a cheap "joke".
And that is seriously hampering the delight factor for what has been, until now, an incredible experience.