The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Started Trails in the Sky this past weekend just to see what I thought about it.
It's my first Trails game and while I know it's well-regarded, you just never know if a game will click or not.
I'm not very far into it (I've done the first mandatory training quest and am grinding a little before doing the second, mostly to get the hang of the battle system) but so far: the dialog is funny, the art is charming, and the music is absolute fire.
I'd say "Why did no one tell me the OST for this game was so good?" except I've definitely seen people raving about it before. So it's totally on me for not listening.
Fortunately, it's on Spotify. So while I may not be very far into the game, I am enjoying the music well past where I am.
I'll definitely keep playing it. There's no easy mode, so it remains to be scene if I eventually hit a wall or not. But for now, it's great.
It's much easier to hop into and out of than Persona 5, too. So far, it's been great for couch-gaming while watching TV.