The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
I think I am finally starting to figure this game out.
I am at the very end of Chapter 1 (with just one more main quest to finish) and feel like I’m finally able to understand the magic system and the battle systems in a reasonable way.
I’m no longer hoarding CP like I used to, at least. And the endless supply of healing items from my Apple Ice Cream profiteering doesn’t hurt either.
Overall, though, I’m just having so much fun. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun with a classic JRPG in a very long time. Maybe ever.
The battles are great and whatever, but it’s really the characters and the writing that shines.
There is so much dialog (especially when compared to something like a textbox-based Final Fantasy) and it’s all so well written and lets the characters shine so brightly.
I’m sad that I didn’t play this 12 years ago. I even had a PSP! I had a PSP and I didn’t even know this game existed. And now the series is so huge that I feel like I’ll never catch up.
Oh well. At least the journey is going to be worth it if the rest of the series is half as charming as this one.