Final Fantasy 16
This game is so incredibly triple-A. Slowly plodding through gorgeous environments waiting to hit the trip point for some character dialog.
Occasionally having all of your buttons disabled so you have to just walk the straight path at a set speed (though it remains a mystery why they make me push the analog stick instead of just turning into a full cutscene).
Squeeze through two walls that almost, but not quite, touch. Ducking under branches. Clamoring over rocks.
Walking past NPCs who shout their day-to-day dialog at you. Walking past them again to hear the same lines. Walking past them again to hear the same lines.
The flow of every important battle interrupted by quick time events so they can really show off the camera angles and particle effects.
I wonder if I'm the only one who's sort of just bored by all of this. Is this the pinnacle of what we can do from a game design point of view? Is this just all that the technology allows? Is it going to take VR to break out of this paradigm?
None of it is really bad. It's certainly serviceable. It's fine. But it's just dull.