Baldur's Gate 3
Saturday is for gaming. Which is why it was so disappointing that this game kept crashing on my gaming PC every few minutes.
I don't really blame the game. There's long been some sort of instability with my system. But it's too sporadic for me to diagnose.
As far as I know, I bought high-end components so I would expect it to work as well as could be expected; but it just isn't so.
I'd say "I'll be more careful next time" but I honestly don't know that I can be more careful. I was already really careful the last time!
I had originally planned to build a new computer this year but decided to get a Razer laptop instead. And so I've moved my Baldur's Gate playing to that laptop. It was rock solid today, so that's something. I eventually stopped noticing the smaller screen*.
Anyway, sorting out how to actually make it run took longer than expected today so I really only got to spend around two and a half hours with it today. That' a good pace. I am still very much in the intro area (I now have an angry druid and some goblins to deal with).
That said, it's still a fantastic game. I wonder how far I'll actually be able to get into it.