Baldur's Gate 3
I'm nearing the end of Act I: the only big thing left to do is the Underdark bit which I've just started exploring.
Oh, what optimism.
"The Underdark" bit is big enough to be its own damn game.
Also, I discovered that I've missed at least one major quest topside in Act I. I thought it was actually leading me into Act II, but I've learned that there's just a major location I haven't found yet. might be a couple more weekends before I leave ~the Hinterlands~ Act I.
I am just about to cross the 60 hour mark, too. So...multiply by 3, add 10% for safety...
This is shaping up to be a 200 hour game where literally every minute is engaging.
This game is $60. What an absolute bargain this game is. That shakes up to about $0.01 every ten minutes.
I can't even talk about the dollar-per-minute value! I'd have to get into mills like I was assessing real estate taxes.
Even though I've found that the experience doesn't truly match the's still an amazing experience. What a thing.