"James Williams dot Me" is conceived, crafted, edited, operated, and maintained by James Williams in Charleston, SC.
The backend is written in F#, using the Giraffe framework. Data is stored in a MongoDB database.
The code is available in the open source Muscadine project on Github.
The text on this site is set in Lora by Olga Kapushina and Alexei Vanyashin. Headers are set in Outfit by Outfit.io. All fonts were provided by Google Fonts and are used under the OFL license.
Markdown text is rendered by the Markdig project.
The site's icons are provided by Font Awesome.
The site design was provided by Hasan Saifullah via Markalytics.
James' logo was created by Crowglass Design.
This site is hosted by Digital Ocean and provisioned via a small set of bash scripts.
James' personal mascot is Gary, a plush lemur who was rescued from the South Carolina Aquarium's Gift Shop. You could say he rescued us.